The SAA are very pleased to be supporting the World Illustration Awards by sponsoring The SAA Agents Award for New Talent.

  • "We are members of the SAA because it has for over 2 decades set a high benchmark of practice in our industry that benefits artists, clients and member agents. By sharing broad industry matters with each other, we have improved our practice and helped keep the business healthy for all.”

    Harry Lyon-Smith - Illustration Ltd

  • Illustration is a small part of a much larger creative community which moves on at quite a pace and to keep up it’s great to share your experiences with fellow professionals, who may have encountered similar hurdles. We believe that together we’re stronger at protecting the work that we love and the artists that we represent.

    Tamlyn Francis - ARENA

  • Début Art is committed to continually developing additional ‘best practice’ guidelines with regard to agency to illustrator relations and contracts and with regard to agency relations and contracts with commissioning clients. The pooled wisdom and combined agency programmes of the SAA, working closely with The Association of Illustrators, provides an excellent basis for achieving these in my view.

    Andrew Coningsby - Debut Art

  • I am part of the SAA because I felt in order to improve the work practice within the field of Illustration it would be better to join forces with like minded agents, and as a group or association we would help change and improve terms and conditions for our represented talent.
    Being part of a group of top agents, we are able to confer with one another about any particular work issues that are a concern and it gives us all an opportunity to voice opinions and share our views about the business in general with our colleagues.

    Christine Isteed - ARTIST PARTNERS

  • Useful early market intelligence, the comfort and assistance offered by a permanent organisation of similar professionals who can help and collectively deal with problems which arise, the benefits of the marketing work (to clients and artists) which the SAA conducts regarding its member agencies. The social aspects of membership are also good fun and its heart-warming to sit down with competitors and work happily on the many matters which transcend the merely competitive.

    Andrew Coningsby - Debut Art

When you join, you'll be invited to meet up both professionally and socially with many of the leading UK illustration agencies, have access to specialist SAA client contracts and artists agreement templates, enjoy regular marketing opportunities via the SAA website and collaborative exhibitions and events, as well as a monthly e-newsletter, blog and a lot more.... read more

  • Join us if your mission is to encourage the use of illustration
  • If you'd like to liaise with other respected groups from the creative community to promote the use of illustration
  • If you believe in protecting and upholding the rights of illustrators and negotiating the intelligent use of their Intellectual Property

Join the Society of Artist’s agents

but before you do, please read our criteria for joining here