The SAA are very pleased to be supporting the World Illustration Awards by sponsoring The SAA Agents Award for New Talent.

SAA membership terms

Membership is open to agents who:

1. (a) Have fully marketed and represented by name, for a period of no less than 2 years, the work
of Artists for whom they act.

(b) Are reimbursed by a commission charged on the illustration work handled by them, agreed
with the individual artist. Artists are entitled to the artist percentage amount based on the total
gross figure that is billed by agents to any client with regard to any illustration production or
license related transaction.

(c) Are prepared to agree in writing that they will abide by the Constitution and Ethics of the

2. (a) Prospective members will be required to complete an application form which will be
reviewed by the Membership Committee and put forward to the Society Members.

(b) Application for membership shall be posted at the Society for 30 days before being
considered by the membership committee. Any member has the right to object to a prospective
member's application and in the case of the objection, this should be presented in writing to the
membership committee who may make a recommendation to the Council. In the case of a
disagreement or dispute over a new member’s suitability, members will be balloted.

(c) Membership will only be granted by a process of a secret ballot, requiring a unanimous vote
by all attending members.

Upon election, new agencies will pay a joining fee and a subscription annually.

3. All members agree to abide by the Constitution and Code of Ethics of the Society, and in the
event of violation, shall be required to appear before the Ethics Committee. The Ethics
Committee shall have the right to terminate the membership of any member found to be in breach
of the Code of Ethics and Constitution, and refusal to appear before the Ethics Committee shall
be deemed grounds for termination of membership.

4 (a) New members shall be required to give a list of artists they represent, and to agree that
such lists be kept up to date, and available for free circulation within the Society.

(b) New members should provide a statement from their certified accountant stating that the
agency is solvent and the business is fiscally professionally run in the year up to the audit.

5. (a) Membership is open to companies or firms and not individuals.
(b) Any representative of a member agency may attend meetings of the Society.
(c) Member Agents are required to attend at least two thirds of meetings throughout each year.

Failure to do so will necessitate re-application for membership in the following year.