The SAA are very pleased to be supporting the World Illustration Awards by sponsoring The SAA Agents Award for New Talent.

Why Join?

The benefits of joining the Society of Artists Agents:

The opportunity to meet professionally and socially with many of Britain’s leading illustration agencies, to discuss industry-wide concerns in an open and friendly forum.

Access to specialist SAA contract templates for Agents, Artists and Clients to utilise better working practices. Contracts are recognised and supported by Association of Illustrators (AOI).

Regular marketing opportunities through the SAA website including the SAA monthly e-newsletter, blog and social media avenues.

SAA collaborative exhibitions and events to which leading commissioners, top quality illustrators and arts journalists are invited to attend.

The opportunity to be invited by the AOI and other organisations to be involved with a wider network of industry events including invitations to give portfolio surgeries at key graduate shows such as New Designers and New Blood.

To be involved in the SAA Campaign for ‘Best Working Practice’ and it’s collective negotiations with major commissioning companies in the UK. To encourage them to create a “Corporate Social Responsibility Statement” containing better, more transparent and up-front contracting practices, pay levels and rights transfer extent.

The undertaking from current SAA member agencies (according to the SAA Code of Ethics) that they will not approach or entice illustrators represented by other member agents and will check an illustrator’s assurance that they are ‘out of contract’ with their previous agent.

The SAA is the only illustrators agents trade organisation.

Join the Society of Artist’s agents

but before you do, please read our criteria for joining here