The SAA are very pleased to be supporting the World Illustration Awards by sponsoring The SAA Agents Award for New Talent.

Roots & Routes

Peter Allen captures the people of Hull for issue #2 of 'Hello Hull - Roots and Routes'.

Roots & Routes (Editorial Commissions, Illustration Ltd, illustrator, Publishing Jobs)

Art directed by Studio Anorak for their client Hull UK City of Culture 2017, the magazine is presented as an activity book and souvenir to all junior school children in the city. Peter's brief was to show the roots of the people of Hull (Hullensians) including shipping, fishing, industry, culture and the different routes that connect them to the continent and the world - ferries, schooners, Humber Bridge, twinned towns; Aarhus, Reykjavik, Rotterdam etc.

Peter says "Quite simply the image shows the tree’s roots becoming routes; people come from far and wide and sink their roots in Hull. People go about their daily lives, to school, to concerts and exhibitions, meet up in the city centre, tourists come in to town on ferries, or by plane, visitors arrive by train. Also the map illustration shows Hull and the surrounding country and some important things that can be found there: landmarks, nature, buildings, places. The children have to identify them and complete the word clues. As for the cover, I used the Hull 2017 colour swatch which is a mixture of strongly contrasting colours to create a colourful image that is a balance between decorative and representative."

Peter Allen is represented by Illustration

March 2017

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