The SAA are very pleased to be supporting the World Illustration Awards by sponsoring The SAA Agents Award for New Talent.

Kuba’s Editorial Illustrations

Phosphor's Kuba is known for his conceptual illustrations, meaning he often gets commissioned to use his creative mind to illustrate magazine articles. His latest illustrations, for Polish magazines, Pismo and Znak, are great examples of his creative imagination.

Kuba sees each illustration brief as a new challenge and approaches each job with enthusiasm and individuality.

Find more of Kuba's editorial illustrations at and get in touch with Trina if you'd like to commission him for your publication.

Pastiche for The Critic Magazine

The cover of this month's issue of The Critic was illustrated by Phosphor's Mandy Millie Flockton, under the Pastiche moniker.

The editor was looking for an illustration of Donald Trump in a Gulliver's Travels inspired scene. Trump was to be wearing attire more suited to a stereotypical US student campus occupying protestor. We think Mandy nailed the brief!

Even with multiple personalities, Phosphor's Pastiche artist was finding it hard to keep up with demand, so they now have a whole team of talented Pastiche illustrators taking commissions for your every need. Each is a specialist in their own field but they also work well as a team on joint projects.



So, you want Rembrandt’s ‘Christ on the Sea of Galilee’… By Thursday… Instead of Christ you want Meerkats… Mmm… Tricky one… What time on Thursday? Simples!

“I want a giant panda, called Vinnie… He’s riding a thoroughbred horse… In the style of George Stubbs… With background… Is Monday okay?” Sure!

“Any chance of a Leonardo by Tuesday?” – Just get in touch!

Mia Mottelson hits an ACE for Ink Global

Bright artist Mia Mottelson’s illustrations are on centre court for Virgin Atlantic’s Vera Magazine – served ahead of the US Open and pride of place with her signature, characterful designs.





You can see more of Mia’s work in her portfolio here:

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