We embark on a new intergalactic adventure with Astrochimp, by David Walliams and Adam Stower who unite once again with this hilarious and completely bonkers graphic novel.
Chump the naughty chimpanzee loves: rude noises from BOTH ENDS; picking his nose with his little toe; eating the skins of bananas and hurling out the tasty part inside. Little does Chump know that NASA scientists have enlisted him to become the first chimp to orbit planet earth for a deadly-dangerous mission.
With Chump the chimp at the controls of a spacecraft, what could possibly go wrong? As it turned out, EVERYTHING. After a rocket malfunction… he is frozen solid for 50 years only to be awoken by a collision with another space craft. He encounters dog space pirates, evil insects, and the silliest chimpanzee who ever lived in this wildly funny space opera, all fully illustrated in fantastic colour.
Adam Stower said: “I approached illustrating Astrochimp as if it were a storyboard for a movie. I love illustrating stories with plenty of action, bringing lots of animation to my drawings and Astrochimp certainly delivers on that! We wanted it to have the feel of a big screen movie, from the opening titles through to the end.”
Astrochimp is published by HarperCollins.
Adam Stower is represented by Arena Illustration.