The SAA are very pleased to be supporting the World Illustration Awards by sponsoring The SAA Agents Award for New Talent.

The Artworks Welcomes 2 New Illustrators! Irene Pérez and Miranda Sofroniou

The Artworks Welcomes 2 New Illustrators! Irene Pérez and Miranda Sofroniou (illustrator, The Artworks)


We are absolutely thrilled at The Artwork’s HQ to be welcoming not one, but two, fabulous new artists to the fold!


The Artworks Welcomes 2 New Illustrators! Irene Pérez and Miranda Sofroniou (illustrator, The Artworks)

The Artworks Welcomes 2 New Illustrators! Irene Pérez and Miranda Sofroniou (illustrator, The Artworks)

Introducing Irene Pérez and Miranda Sofroniou

The Artworks Welcomes 2 New Illustrators! Irene Pérez and Miranda Sofroniou (illustrator, The Artworks) The Artworks Welcomes 2 New Illustrators! Irene Pérez and Miranda Sofroniou (illustrator, The Artworks) The Artworks Welcomes 2 New Illustrators! Irene Pérez and Miranda Sofroniou (illustrator, The Artworks)

Irene Pérez is based in Barcelona. Her dynamic artwork captures the influence of different cultures as well as her background in graphic design.


The Artworks Welcomes 2 New Illustrators! Irene Pérez and Miranda Sofroniou (illustrator, The Artworks)


The Artworks Welcomes 2 New Illustrators! Irene Pérez and Miranda Sofroniou (illustrator, The Artworks)


Miranda Sofroniou works from Italy, specialising in narrative driven artwork using traditional painting techniques.

With distinctively different and eye catching styles, we can’t wait to show you more of our new artists work.


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