Hachette UK (Orion division)
Subject : Hachette UK (Orion division)
Name : Andrew Coningsby
Email : andrew@debutart.com
Agency name : Début Art
Phone No : ++ 44 (0)20 7636 1064
In Category : Book Publishing
Client Name / Dept / Location : London.
Description of the issue : In November 2015 a Design Director at Orion Books UK expressed interest in a Début Art represented illustrator creating a 'test' illustration for a book - the 'test' illustration would, if accepted, go on to be used in the book. A price was mutually agreed inclusive of the usage originally indicated by the Design Director but, after negotiation and agreement on price, the Design Director, at the request of an Art Buyer, sent Debut Art a full copyright transfer contract offer. The contract is available to review via the Download Contract File 'button' below. After receiving the contract offer, Début Art emailed the client putting forward a proposal for revised usage rights. In spite of emailing the client on 4-5 further occasions over the next two months, all Début Art's emails to the Design Director went completely unanswered.
Description of the result : Début Art has not worked with Orion since the above occurred although it has worked successfully with other book publishing divisions of Hachette which have not been tendering full copyright transfer contracts.