The SAA are very pleased to be supporting the World Illustration Awards by sponsoring The SAA Agents Award for New Talent.

Let It Out

Once again Gail Armstrong gives us a masterclass in paper sculpture.

This incredible illustration is one of three posters commissioned by Coco Weir at JWT for Kleenex’s internal awards, linked to their "Let It Out" campaign. Each poster depicts two images reflecting the positive and negative of one scenario. Gail says, "Lovely job to work on as they gave me free reign to design everything including the type."

Gail is represented by represented by Illustration ltd

Open her portfolio here

What’s Wrong With Washington?

The latest from Derek Bacon sees him bring to life the globally-resonating and challenging question: "What's Wrong With Washington" for The Economist.

This digital piece has taken pride of place on the front cover of The Economist recently. Taking advantage of the statue's recognisable status, Derek satirically reworks this globally famous memorial in photoshop to show Abraham Lincoln's despair at the slow state of US economic recovery.

Derek Bacon is represented by Illustration Ltd.

You can open his portfolio here

Angus and Julia Stone

Bringing music to life with his marvellous imagination is Nick Murray Willis's latest animated music video for Australian band Angus and Julia Stone.

Featuring in Filter magazine, Nick gives us a view of a prisoner’s mundane world. Keep your eyes peeled for further animated mastery by Nick as he has just completed another video for the latest song by band The Keyz. 

You can see the video here

Nick Murray Willis is represented by Illustration Ltd.

“Trust me I’m a Vet”

Rachel Ross' charming illustration features on the cover of the new book by Cathy Woodman. "Trust me I'm a Vet" is the first in a series of novels about city vet Maz Harwood who has moved to Devon to work in a practice there. Rachel's illustrations are perfect for the mix of humour and romance in this series.

Trust me I'm a vet is published by Arrow books this April.

Rachel Ross is represented by Eastwing. Her Portfolio is here

“The Full Yield”

Rosie Scott recently completed a huge illustration project for “The Full Yield” directed by “Pause for Thought” design, they needed someone to develop a series of images for a program designed to help improve peoples food choices and lifestyle and to reduce the risk of preventable chronic diseases. The project involved multiple applications including collateral, web, packaging, retail and video.

Rosie Scott is represented by the Artworks. Open her portfolio here

Bill Sanderson and Sherlock Holmes

Highly talented scraperboard artist Bill Sanderson has started a series of Sherlock Holmes covers for Puffin Classics. Bill still works in the traditional way which is very refreshing in this digital age, and his award winning work reflects the time and care spent in the design and execution.

Bill Sanderson is represented by Phosphor Art. You can see a whole range of his work here

The Summer Reading Challenge

Arena is delighted to announce Simon Bartram's Disappearing Moon, as one of the fiction titles chosen for 2010's 12th annual Summer Reading Challenge. The theme this year is SPACE HOP and libraries nationwide, will encourage children to develop an interest in the science of space travel through reading

Simon Bartram is one of Arena's artist. Check out his portfolio here

Lost Worlds Foreign Editions

John Howe's successful book Lost Worlds, published by Kingfisher, has now sold in 15 countries around the world including: Brazil, Portugal, Germany, Greece, Spain, Serbia, Netherlands, Slovenia, Romania, Turkey, Poland, Croatia, Russia and Bulgaria.

John Howe is represented by Arena.

Open his portfolio here

Croatian Fairy Tale

Inspired by a fairy tale from his own country, Tomislav Tomic produced this exquisite illustration for the Third Croatian Biennial of Illustration Exhibition at the Klovicevi Dvori Gallery in Zagreb.

Tomislav Tomic is represented by Arena.

View more here


Vince McIndoe has been working with Brand Opus to overhaul the brand identity of Goodfellas Pizzas. Vince was commissioned to create murals and characters to bring the spirit of the Italian pizzeria to life across the full range of 33 pizzas. The new look packaging will be launched this month in Supermarkets across the UK.

Vince is represented by Debut Art. See more of his work here

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