The SAA are very pleased to be supporting the World Illustration Awards by sponsoring The SAA Agents Award for New Talent.

Café Rough Murals

Cafe Rouge on The Strand has been decorated in style by Alyana Cazalet. Working with FutureBrand, Alyana spent the summer on this big and challenging art commission. The Cafe Rouge chain is in the process of re-designing the interiors of all its restaurants in the UK and asked Alyana to design murals for their first new look. From the start the client was extremely pleased with Alyana's drawings and the 'idiosyncratic characters' on her first rough. From then she was given the 'green light' to create a slice of life in a French bistro, in London. Alyana says "I had positive comments from many other people friends/fellowartists/etc...who saw (the) murals since (the) Cafe Rouge opening in September........It was (a) challenging commission without any doubt, due to the scale ( 25 square meters), time pressure, public place (The Strand). ........ My inspiration came from French music and poetry as well as (the) streets of Paris and individual French cafe culture."

Alyana Cazalet is represented by Illustration Ltd

Café Rough Murals

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