The SAA are very pleased to be supporting the World Illustration Awards by sponsoring The SAA Agents Award for New Talent.


This rather gorgeous bar has been designed by the multi-talented Eric Van Den Boom of BoomArtwork. The Dutch venue Patronaat in Haarlem asked Eric to design this drinker's heaven from scratch, so with rough dimensions, a brief that it should have a fairground/church theme and two weeks to come up with the goods, Eric began with sketches of the shape, details, lettering and decoration. He says "When I had the sketch ready I art-directed the 3D artist Jasper Hesseling to create a 3D digital model of it, giving the client a good image of how the venue should look. The builders constructed the bar from these 3D images, and they did an amazing job". We'd love to have a drink there (or two)! BoomArtwork is represented by Illustration Ltd



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