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Pencils at the ready for Alex T Smith’s Story Starter project

Calling all mini writers and home school heroes! Claude creator Alex T. Smith has been keeping the grey cells sharpened during lock down with a host of tantalizing story ideas to help budding young authors get their creative juices flowing.

The response to Alex’s weekly Story Starter posts on Twitter has been incredible, even getting a mention from Nicolette Jones in The Times newspaper no less. We hope all those frazzled parents and carers struggling with endless home school projects have found Alex’s hilarious story starting concepts a nice break on the day.

Writers young and old are encouraged to pick one (or all three) of Alex’s tittersome prompts to start creating their own far fetched stories.

From flapjack baking warthogs, to Easter dinosaurs and unusual handbag contents there’s always something on the boil where Alex’s imagination is concerned. .. who knows… perhaps you could be the next Alex T Smith!

Keep your eyes peeled for Alex’s next Story Starters post over on Twitter via @Alex_T_Smith and the hash tag #StoryStarters, we’d love to read your efforts so don’t forget you tag us in your posts too! @arenatweet

You can Follow Alex on Twitter or view his full portfolio here

Alex T Smith is represented by Arena Illustration for more information please email

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