The SAA are very pleased to be supporting the World Illustration Awards by sponsoring The SAA Agents Award for New Talent.

Rosie Revere – To infinity and beyond!


To infinity and beyond! Rosie Revere the best selling children's picture book by Andrea Beaty and illustrated by David Roberts is making history, by being chosen to take to space by the (STFS) Story Time from Space Team.


ND Talk: The Business of Illustration – Question Time with The SAA and The AOI

We are delighted to be taking part in the New Designers (Part Two) Talk Programme this year. We will be holding a Q&A panel discussion with the help of The Association of Illustrators (AOI) about:

The Business of Illustration: 

For those about to embark on a creative career, be prepared to be a business and BE SMART. For a profitable and sustained career as a freelance illustrator you must be prepared to tackle a wide range of specialisms including financial know-how, negotiation of terms, fees, contracts and PR & Marketing. Here's your chance to ask the experts about the Business of Illustration.  

The Panel: 

Chair Person: Derek Brazell - The Association of Illustrators Projects Manager and Varoom Publisher. Agents: Caroline Thomson - Arena Illustration, Andrew Coningsby - Début Art, Victoria Pearce - Illustration Ltd and Claire Meiklejohn - Meiklejohn.

The Business of Illustration Question Time will be held in the Talk Theatre at Business Design Centre on Friday 3rd July, from 2pm to 2.45pm.

Book your FREE ticket on the New Designers website.


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