The SAA are very pleased to be supporting the World Illustration Awards by sponsoring The SAA Agents Award for New Talent.

Building Economies

Making business look beautiful, Gail Armstrong creates this paper sculpture for PM Network magazine.

Commissioned by Hugo Espinozo, senior art director at Imagination, the image is in the February issue of the monthly publication for the Project Management Institute (PMI). Gail's creation illustrates "6 Markets to Watch: Look for the next wave of project opportunity in one of these 6 climbing economies”. She says: "It discusses the business potential in these building economies and the many ways in which those countries are changing, developing and investing in themselves." Gail chose to focus on Nigeria - oil/energy industry, Panama - canal expansion, Indonesia - infrastructure through telecommunications, Chile - building infrastructure through information technology, Turkey – construction; in particular transport links and Vietnam - factory construction. After submitting several ideas to illustrate the article, the concept of using flowers to represent the growth of these 6 different countries was selected. Gail says "The flower heads have petals made from maps of the relevant countries. By choosing to use a fairly simple, non-specific flower shape and by carefully placing the petals, it is still possible to read the map and the country name. The flower centres and stamens, which echo the map colours, represent the country’s relevant investment area."



Steve May's images do a brilliant job in illustrating the various methods employed to keeping your data safe online in the cross-government campaign, Be Cyber Streetwise. Aimed to improve the online safety behaviour and confidence of consumers and small businesses, the website gives important and extensive information to protect yourselves, your families and your business. Steve created an animation in his role as director for Picasso Pictures, alongside a print and poster campaign.

Steve May is represented by Arena

Arena-Illustration-Steve-May-Cyberstreetwise-01 Arena-Illustration-Steve-May-Cyberstreetwise-02

Nick Lowndes for the Health Foundation

Nick Lowndes has illustrated the cover and several pages inside the Health Foundation's latest publication. 'Could Quality Be Cheaper?' is a case study which looks at how improvements in quality have helped to reduce costs for three local health services. Nick's illustrations reference many of the different areas of healthcare covered in the study.
There is a great need to investigate whether early administration of in moderate acne makes sense.

Nick is represented by Eastwing.

James Taylor for The Financial Times

James Taylor has made this brilliant paper model for the 2011 predictions page in this weeks Financial Times. The image depicts the specialist’s predictions on what will happen in world of politics, economics, and business in 2011.

James Taylor is represented by Debut Art

October 2024

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