The SAA are very pleased to be supporting the World Illustration Awards by sponsoring The SAA Agents Award for New Talent.

The SAA Associate Prize for New Talent in Illustration at New Designers 2016, Part 2

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New Designers 2016 - The exhibition for emerging design
Part 1: 29 June – 02 July (Awards Preview 29 June)
Part 2: 06 -09 July (Awards Preview 06 July)

The Society of Artists Agents (SAA) are delighted to be working in partnership with New Designers 2016.


SAA Member Agents

The SAA is a group of like-minded Agents who collectively represent nearly 1000 World Class illustrators. We believe in promoting the use of quality illustration and nurturing new illustration talent through our educational programme and this year we are very proud to offer The SAA Associate Prize for New Talent in Illustration at New Designers Part 2.


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but before you do, please read our criteria for joining here