The SAA are very pleased to be supporting the World Illustration Awards by sponsoring The SAA Agents Award for New Talent.

Lizzie Cullen at Zizzi Restaurants

Young talented illustrator Lizzie Cullen (represented by Phophor Art) has won several awards in her short career and certainly made a lasting mark. Currently her two latest designs can be seen gracing the walls of Zizzi restaurants in Marlow and Sevenoakes. She was spotted by the head of design for the chain, and commissioned to produce ideas and paintings for the two interior walls using the surrounding areas as inspiration. Marlow is painted predominantly in black and white and her "psycho-geographie" as she calls the work, echos the special feel that a a town like Marlow has, with the winding river Thames and suspension bridge playing a major part. Sevenoakes is much more colourful and reflects the bustle of that lively area, while retaining the country feel. Lizzie will be doing more for the Zizzi chain so watch out for her fabulous illustrations at your local!



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