The SAA are very pleased to be supporting the World Illustration Awards by sponsoring The SAA Agents Award for New Talent.

Richard and Judy Book Club makes recommendation of Mike Spoor Dinosaur Cove

Dinosaur Cove: Attack of the Lizard King' - illustrated by Mike Spoor, has been chosen as one of six books in the Richard and Judy Book Club, as part 'Children's Book Club', 'Read Together' recommendations! Follow link to see the recommendation

Mike Spoor is represented by Bright Agency

David Gemmell Legend Award Nominations

The David Gemmell Legend Awards have just announced their short list for the best  book covers for this year!

Artist Partners' Artists once again appear very strongly and dominate the nominations for this years book covers appearing in the highly prestigious David Gemmell Legend Awards – Artist Partners  and their  artists are very strong in this particular  fantasy genre, and they are delighted to present the works of  the nominated artists:
Bob Lea,  Larry Rostant and Paul Young

Artists and the pieces that they're nominated for are:
LEA, Bob - Cover of "The War of the Dwarves" by Markus Heitz

ROSTANT, Larry - Cover of 'The Ragged Man' by Tom Lloyd
ROSTANT, Larry - Cover of 'The Bone Palace' by Amanda Downum

YOUNG Paul - Cover of 'Tome of the Undergates' by Sam Sykes
YOUNG, Paul - Cover of 'Wolfsangel' by M.D. Lachlan
YOUNG, Paul - Cover of 'The Thief-Taker’s Apprentice' by Stephen Deas

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