The SAA are very pleased to be supporting the World Illustration Awards by sponsoring The SAA Agents Award for New Talent.

Dave Hopkins’ Drawings take a trip to the Palace

Dave Hopkins drew a number of portraits to be printed on deck chairs for Historic Royal Palaces to celebrate Hampton Court Palace’s 500th Anniversary, taking place this year.1bradleywiggins

The portraits include Bradley Wiggins, Grand Duchess Xenia, Captain Robert Falcon Scott, Lady Baden Powell and Paddington Bear – all of whom have been linked to the Palace in the past.

Vincent Van Gogh by Dave HopkinsGrand Duchess Xenia by Dave Hopkins

Dave Hopkins is represented by Phosphor Art

Lincoln Costumes

Richard Merritt has been busy working on a commission from Walt Disney Pictures, as costume illustrator for the Steven Spielberg film 'Lincoln', starring Daniel Day Lewis. Richard is the artist of choice for the exceptional costume designer, Joanna Johnston, having previously worked with her on a number of films. His task is to visualise her designs and bring them to life, and we think he does this with great aplomb and style. The drawings have recently been showcased in People magazine in the US, and the film is being tipped for multiple Oscar nominations, so we've got our fingers crossed for costume!

Richard Merritt is represented by the Organisation

lincoln costume

David Gemmell Legend Award Nominations

The David Gemmell Legend Awards have just announced their short list for the best  book covers for this year!

Artist Partners' Artists once again appear very strongly and dominate the nominations for this years book covers appearing in the highly prestigious David Gemmell Legend Awards – Artist Partners  and their  artists are very strong in this particular  fantasy genre, and they are delighted to present the works of  the nominated artists:
Bob Lea,  Larry Rostant and Paul Young

Artists and the pieces that they're nominated for are:
LEA, Bob - Cover of "The War of the Dwarves" by Markus Heitz

ROSTANT, Larry - Cover of 'The Ragged Man' by Tom Lloyd
ROSTANT, Larry - Cover of 'The Bone Palace' by Amanda Downum

YOUNG Paul - Cover of 'Tome of the Undergates' by Sam Sykes
YOUNG, Paul - Cover of 'Wolfsangel' by M.D. Lachlan
YOUNG, Paul - Cover of 'The Thief-Taker’s Apprentice' by Stephen Deas

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