The SAA are very pleased to be supporting the World Illustration Awards by sponsoring The SAA Agents Award for New Talent.

Delighted to announce Oscar Mitchell will be taking up his representation with Illustration Limited.


We are delighted to announce that Oscar Mitchell, winner of the SAA Illustration award at the New Designers show this year, has selected to take up his six months trial representation with SAA member agent Illustration Limited.

We caught up with Illustration Limited to find out all the details!


"We all know Quentin Blake, master of illustration, well he claimed he doesn’t quite know what inspires him…only that it will appear if he simply makes a start on ‘work’. I think this is wonderful for all recent university graduates to bear in mind in terms of not putting too much pressure on themselves when creating work for their portfolios: What do I draw? Would it be right for a certain client? Is it as good as this or that successful illustrator? Will anyone like it? Artists, agents, designers alike all know the challenges which illustrators are faced with when starting out. Being true to their own style, interests and drives is a very good starting point. It’s an exciting journey for sure for any creative starting out and remembering these basic points will help to develop interesting work that will catch the eye of a commissioner at some point who appreciates its true value and who will want to pay to use it.

Speaking on behalf of Illustration Limited, we are always intrigued and excited when a new illustrator joins the team to see what talent and new inspiration he or she can bring to the table for our clients and recently that goes for Oscar Mitchell, recent Falmouth University Illustration graduate who won the SAA Illustration award at the New Designers show this year. As a prize he selected us with whom he will have a 6 month stint representing him as a commercial illustrator worldwide.

‘‘We felt Oscar's work really stood out. His visual language has a maturity of line and colour, and he has a versatility that could be applied to various sectors.” This is how the judges who selected Oscar for the award felt after walking around all the illustration graduate stands who showed work this year. I think he’s off to a good start...


I caught up with Oscar since the show and he shared some thoughts. He is excited to see how this opportunity and experience will unfold especially from a professional point of view, being an artist working with a team of experienced agents in the industry (we are too). Illustration wise he is beginning to put his documentation of street style from his travels over the past few months onto paper with paint. He photographs stylish people he comes across and focuses his attention on his favourite item that they are wearing and builds from that. Alternatively, he chooses someone who might be described as unfashionable or simply someone who doesn’t care about what they wear - for example someone in a clunky pair of shoes or a bland, shapeless shirt - and rework it into something original and “ fashionable”. He is open to all kinds of work be it fashion or children’s books and he shares with me that the Flying Machines sequence project is something he will return to down the line, to build higher, lower and wider and create this huge world that pieces together. The Australian summer in Oz over the next few months awaits his arrival leaving behind him a Glaswegian winter and he is most excited about basing himself somewhere new and just focusing on his creative work. Sunshine tends to be a huge motivator for him as well as being somewhere new where he has the opportunity to prove himself. Well, what a fantastic place to be in to start this new exciting chapter of his life. I am sure the sunshine, the new environment and this new opportunity with Illustration Limited will all play positive and unique parts towards an exciting creative career."

Alice Ball - Agent, Illustration Limited



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