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Hitandrun / A Magical Moment for Barron’s Magazine

Dow Jones publication Barron’s Magazine commissioned CGI artist Hitandrun to create a cover-worthy illustration for a story about Disney’s battleground stock and why the “magic” might be returning to the stock.

Art Director Lynne Carty came to Hitandrun with an idea in mind—a 3D render of Disneyland’s famous Mickey statue coming back to life ala fairy dust. Hitandrun reviewed classic Disney magic samples from over the years—Fairy Godmother transforming Cinderella’s dress, Pinocchio becoming a real boy, etc-- to get the look just right. For the interior image, Hitandrun was tasked with showing other notable Disney characters from notable brands within in the company like Marvel and Star Wars as a nod to the company as a whole, and reminder of the scale of Disney. Together, the images create a fun and hopeful vibe for a story encouraging readers to consider re-investing in the company’s stock.


More of Hitandrun’s work can be viewed here:

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