The SAA are very pleased to be supporting the World Illustration Awards by sponsoring The SAA Agents Award for New Talent.

Nick Chaffe For Lonely Planet

Nick Chaffe was delighted to be asked to illustrate this years incarnation of Lonely Planet's iconic summer notebook. Nick, a keen traveler himself, was chosen for the project for his fresh unique style, he decorated the journal with travel inspired quotes in his trademark typographic style.

Nick Chaffe is represented by Meilklejohn

Nick Chaffe

Oscar Wilson for Lush Cosmetics

Oscar Wilson designed this amazing typographic image for Lush Cosmetics constructed of multilingual words for ‘thank you’. Oscar’s design will be sold as a gift knot wrap and also used across Lush stores in window displays and on carrier bags. Keep an eye out for it from March 2014.

oscar wilson for lush

Nick Chaffe for Empire Magazine

 Nick Chaffe was asked by Empire Magazine to illustrate their exclusive interview with Judd Apatow and Leslie Mann. Nick illustrated several sound bites from the interview, which he worked around images from the magazines photo shoot. The March edition of Empire, featuring Nick’s artwork is out now. Nick Chaffe is represented by Meiklejohn Agency

NickChaffe_For Newsletterjpg

The Sweetness of Forgetting

Quercus Books recently commissioned Lucy Davey to do this lovely cover for one of their titles The Sweetness of Forgetting and liked it so much that they have just asked her to illustrate the back cover too!
We agree that it's a stunning illustration, typical of Lucy's fresh and evocative style and use of colour.

Lucy Davey is represented by the Artworks

Patronaat Posters

BoomArtwork has done a great job with these 2 posters for the Dutch venue Patronaat. The illustrations are to promote two 'post-punk-psychedelic-space-rock mini festivals'. BoomArtwork says " I choose to go for a psychedelic school-board chalk treatment to make these posters really stand out when put up on walls around the city. They are going to be printed with a matt varnish to make them really look like a blackboard."

Boomartwork is represented by Illustration Ltd

Welcome to Heathrow

Ruth Rowland has delivered spectacularly with a series of large posters for a BAA Welcome Campaign at Heathrow Airport. The idea was for recognisable London characters to welcome passengers on their arrival, eleven real characters have been used; from a Carnival Queen to a Chelsea Pensioner, a Doorman to a Policeman. Ruth wrote the word ‘Welcome’ in a style to reflect all their different personalities, they can be seen along the Terminal 4 Travelator at Heathrow.

Ruth Rowland is represented by Illustration Ltd

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