The SAA are very pleased to be supporting the World Illustration Awards by sponsoring The SAA Agents Award for New Talent.

Ben Hasler – London Power Tunnel safety posters.

Ben Hasler – London Power Tunnel safety posters. (illustrator, NB Illustration)


Ben Hasler created a set of iconic posters for London Powers Tunnels working sites to highlight key safety measures that have to kept in mind when working in a potentially dangerous environment. These were conceived along with with the London design agency Simplify Branding.

Ben Hasler – London Power Tunnel safety posters. (illustrator, NB Illustration) Ben Hasler – London Power Tunnel safety posters. (illustrator, NB Illustration) Ben Hasler – London Power Tunnel safety posters. (illustrator, NB Illustration)

Ben Hasler is represented by NB Illustration

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