The SAA are very pleased to be supporting the World Illustration Awards by sponsoring The SAA Agents Award for New Talent.

Cadbury – 200th Birthday – Vince McIndoe.


Vince McIndoe was commissioned along with several other artists to create key art to celebrate Cadbury’s 200th birthday. Vince’s image will be used on 6-sheet posters and social campaigns throughout 2024.


More of Vince’s work can be view here -

Miguel Ordonez

Miguel Ordonez, is a hugely talented artist and designer living in Madrid, he has produced many well known and award winning  Children’s Picture books, and is also well known for his educational illustrations he produces for many educational publishers in Spain.

Here are a few images that he has recently produced for a  very large project for Cassels - in Spain.


Bright and engaging  and vibrant!


For more of Miguel’s fabulous work please check out his work on the artist Partners website.Miguel Ordonez | Artist | Artist Partners

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