The SAA are very pleased to be supporting the World Illustration Awards by sponsoring The SAA Agents Award for New Talent.

Bill Sanderson’s Atticus Icon

Bill Sanderson’s Atticus Icon (Design Projects, Editorial Commissions, illustrator, Phosphor Art)
Phosphor Art's scraperboard artist Bill Sanderson has created an illustration for the Atticus column in the new look SundayTimes (which was recently redesigned by Simon Esterson, Mark Porter and their team). Atticus is a political gossip column mostly focusing on Westminster. Bill was asked to create an image combining a snake with a pen - you'll find it every week in the Sunday Times.


Natalia Zarateigui for Ardicia Editions

Natalia Zarateigui for Ardicia Editions (illustrator, Meiklejohn, Publishing Jobs)

Natalia Zarateigui was commissioned by Ardicia Editions to create this striking cover for 'The Divinations of Kala Persad' written by Headon Hill. This Spanish translation of a Victorian tale, tells the unlikely story of a snake charmer and an English Knight turned detective. Natalia's cover captures the intrigue of the story in her beautiful graphic style.


A Music Montage

This surreal montage illustration is by Andre Bergamin for a Victor Birgiss EP.

Andre was given the tracks to listen to and interpret in his own impressive way for this forthcoming record on the Love Potion label. And with a couple of keywords to keep in his mind; animals and Space, Andre went on to create this juxtaposed image for the cover artwork.

Andre Bergamin is represented by Illustration

A Music Montage (Design Projects, Illustration Ltd, illustrator)


A Music Montage (Design Projects, Illustration Ltd, illustrator)

Kate Forresters new Barnes and Noble covers

Kate Forrester has been busy with many different projects recently, including the latest in the series of leather-bound children’s classics for Barnes and Noble, ‘The Jungle Book’. We are very excited about this collection Kate is working on, they are a truly beautiful set of timeless covers, that anyone would be proud to have on their bookshelf.

Kate Forrester is represented by The Artworks

Kate Forresters new Barnes and Noble covers

Adrian Chesterman for Chester Zoo

Adrian Chesterman was commissioned by Chester Zoo to illustrate this amazing bus wrap. Adrian was briefed to create an artwork, which gave the illusion of one the Zoo’s largest pythons crushing the bus. Project Manager, Jennifer Tegg, said “we are delighted with the result. It not only helps us to attract the attention of the public, but will also hopefully encourage people to use the Park and Ride bus to visit the zoo.”

Adrian Chesterman is represented by MeiklejohnAdrian Chesterman for Chester Zoo

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